Ons Klyntji zine submissions is nou oop

Foto: verskaf
Deadline: 15 Julie 2019
Ons vriende by Ons Klyntji zine soek bydaes vir jaargang 123 van die publikasie. Redakteurs Toast Coetzer, Erns Grundling en Alice Inggs, saam met medewerkers, doen elke jaar so voort. Hier is die call.
Dis sukke tyd / it’s such time: submissions are open for the next Ons Klyntji zine
Nice to know
Deadline is 15 July 2019
Submit to sendusyourpoems@gmail.com
There is no special theme, but consider your surroundings and speak truth
Publication date is sometime September
To send:
3 of your best poems in any language you please
Your 1 best short story max 2000 words, any language
Cartoons (b&w)
Photos (b&w)
Art (b&w)
Not to send:
PDFs - supply words in Word docs and art in Jpg format please
More than 3 poems - we will only read the first 3
About Ons Klyntji:
We print pocket size (small) and b&w only
We regret but we cannot pay you for your contribution
This is not a competition
Successful applicants will be contacted
If your work is published, you get a free copy and further copies at cost which you may sell for your own profit
The universe can be contained in a speck of cookie crumb at the tip of your finger
Vir meer oor Ons Klyntji kyk hier.

Eerste en oudste Afrikaanse tydskrif, sedert 1896
Ons bou aan ’n moderne beeld van hoe Afrikaanswees lyk, lees en klink. Het jy van Ons Klyntji zine submissions is nou oop gehou? Dan ondersteun ons. Vriende van Klyntji word op hierdie bladsy gelys.